Lockdown has been long, and we’ve just managed to come out the other side. Remember when they told us it would only be for 3 weeks… how naive we were. Lockdown has given me time alone (alone with children, yet still alone) to think about myself, the things I like and the things I want out of life. It’s sort of put life in a whole new perspective and I think most people will feel this way. One thing I’ve learnt is to just sometimes put what I want before others. I seem to forget about my needs.
I used to love writing little posts like this back in my early blogging days (5 years ago now!). Though now I feel I am never able to find time for personal chatty posts even though they’re usually the ones I enjoy writing the best. So why the hell not start them up again and start with this post, 10 Things I’ve Been Loving Lately.
A list of 10 things I’ve been enjoying these last few months especially over lockdown!
Eco Laundry Egg
I’ve been using the Eco Laundry Egg* for a couple of months now and I will never return to regular laundry detergent. This little egg that you just throw into your machine drum costs around £12 and will last for 210 washes*! Depending on how often you wash and the length of your wash cycle that could last you almost a year! £12 for a year’s worth of washing?! I use it on all our clothes and have completely stopped using softener too.
Not only is it saving you money it’s helping to save the environment since you’re not buying detergent every week and chucking away the plastic packaging it usually comes in.
You’ve probably seen on my Instagram stories that I drink a lot of coffee. The amount has increased massively now I’m not pregnant anymore. I was having 1/2 a day, and now we’re much closer to 5. I’ve been enjoying the Kenko Lattes* for the majority of the year now. So much so I’ve subscribed and saved to them on Amazon Prime. I automatically get some delivered to me every month so I never run out.
A lot of you seem to message me asking what coffee it is I drink since it looks so beautifully frothy and that I have cupboards full of the stuff.
Made.com Sideboard
We ordered this sideboard at the beginning of January! It was a made to order piece meaning it took a long time to arrive. Especially when COVID-19 pushed back delivery. But it was 100% worth the wait and worth the money. We’ve slowly started buying more expensive pieces of furniture that are of a much higher quality and that we won’t have to replace after a few years.
I am now eyeing up their gorgeous sofas for when we move. I would love something a little more out there especially since we’re now able to have a separate living room and playroom. No children allowed!
Instagram Community
I’ve always been in love with Instagram, sure it has its moments but the majority of the time I love the space. I remember a point in time where I’d get excited over 1 single Instagram message and now I’m constantly bombarded with messages and it fills me with so much joy to know so many lovely people want to reach out with me and make connections.
What I think to be an absolute MUST for mums. Mumming can be a very lonely place.
Clever Fox Planner
My gorgeous friend Katie pointed me in the direction of these Clever Fox Planners* as I was on the lookout for a diary that I could fill in the dates myself (because I’m usually one to go on and off using a diary and I hate the wasted pages if you skip weeks in regular diaries).
They’re so useful and can be used in so many different ways. Mines just being used for work as I tend to use our family calendar for personal bits and pieces. It means I can plan the next few weeks and remind myself what needs doing each day to keep on track. I love a tick list so I’ve drawn in lines to I can tick off when tasks are complete too as this helps me stay motivated and get organised!
If you’re looking at more ways to be organised as a blogger then you need to read my previous post How to Stay Organised as a Blogger
ModiBodi Pants^
I’ve used ModiBodi’s period pants^ for a few years now, but more than ever right now I’m appreciating them. They are splendid for postpartum bleeding and do help me feel as normal as possible after having a baby. After I had Theodore in 2017 I bled for a long long time since I had a very traumatic birth and I went through SO many pads and liners, which wasn’t just bad for the environment it was bad for my confidence as I was constantly worrying I’d leak through or you could hear that crinkly plastic sound pads always create!
I am currently running a giveaway on Instagram to win yourself a pair of Modibodi^ pants so if you’d like to enter hurry up as the competition ends 24th June 2020 7 pm.
Sibling Love
So I’ve been a Mama of 2 for a month now, and OH MY. It’s true what they say, your heart doubles not halves. Even though Zach is still so tiny and not capable of much yet Theodore is still enjoying having him around. Theodore tries to ‘fix’ baby with his doctor kit when he cries, puts his dummy in, and wants to help feed him (which lasts about 0.2 seconds until he’s bored).
The first month has already flown by. I can’t wrap my head around it. I’m excited for Theodore to start being able to feel the benefits of having a sibling. Like the days Zach laughs and smiles at him.
#PagesTogether Instagram Hashtag Challenge
I love Instagram hashtag challenges but I have never been great at keeping it up. By no means do I think I could ever complete every day but I love to give some prompts ago. I’ve been playing along with the #PagesTogether challenge which is ran by Emma and Charlotte, the great thing is they actually interact with your posts and share them too so brilliant for engagement!
The prompts are so fun and I’ve been loving scrolling through the #PagesTogetherChallenge hashtag and seeing everyone’s posts. Such an excellent way to find new accounts
My Fitness Pal
My Fitness Pal is the only success I’ve ever had at losing weight. MFP is a calorie counting app that is so simple to use and can be catered to your weight loss/weight gain/weight maintenance plan. It’s super customisable too. I used it religiously in 2019 for 6 months before my girls holiday and I slowly lost a stone and shaped up massively in that time. I was so happy with my size and weight so now I’ve had Zach I’m back on there trying to get to a weight and shape I’m happy with.
Amazon Prime
I’ve always been an Amazon* lover. I’ve used the site for years and it’s regularly my go-to for any online orders. A friend told me about what’s included in the monthly £7.99 payment of Amazon prime and I was gobsmacked since it INCLUDES Amazon Music, Next Day Free Delivery, Prime Video, Amazon Fresh, Prime Photos, Early Access, Amazon Family AND more… £7.99 for all that. And I was currently paying £9.99 for Spotify Music and £8.99 for Netflix… A no brainer to make the switch.
The free next day delivery is my most used feature. It has come in wonderfully in lockdown and even more so now I’ve got two kids and don’t fancy trolling around shops! If you fancy a 30-day free trial* of everything Amazon Prime* has to offer then definitely do it!
Have you been loving any of these things lately? Or do you know of something I would love and I should try out? Let me know if you enjoy reading posts like this from me – It would be great to know!
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^ = Previous AD Product
That eco egg sounds so good! and I have been loving whipped coffee lately x
Joyce | http://www.joycelauofficial.com
Loved reading this! So lovely to Zach and Theodore getting on so well x
Amazon Prime has been one of my favourite things too, along with Netflix and my xbox lol. Feel like lockdown made me loosen up on Instagram though, which has made it a bit more enjoyable for me imo
It has brought out loads of positives for me too which is such an unlikely thing! I’ve loeved being at home and getting to grips with my content!
It is so good to be grateful for the little things, lockdown has been hard!
The laundry egg sounds so good, must get myself one!
The laundry egg looks interesting