Newborn Hacks for Brand New Parents

Newborns, Baby, Hacks

Those first few days, weeks, even years with a newborn baby are difficult. The smallest of things are now massive obstacles and you’re endlessly looking for ways to make your life easier and easier. All these new items and products surround you and you’ve just got to figure them all out. Many gifts we received at our baby shower left me wondering “what does this do?” and “what’s this for?”. Totally felt like Rachel from friends at her baby shower (beer bong for a baby?).

Every time you figure out a new hack or trick you feel like a newborn-wizard, like you could conquer it all. That’s why I’ve made this post for you today. Basically giving you a fast track to all the best tips, tricks and hacks I’ve gathered up around the internet so you can have the easiest time possible with your newborn.

Pack spare clothes in ziplock bags

Keeping spare clothes in your changing bag is a must, but keeping outfits together in a ziplock bag is genius. When a blow out happens you can easily pull out a whole new matching outfit with vest, sleepsuit, socks and mittens in. No need for a panic rummage around the bag!

Pre do-up sleepsuits

Do the bottom of sleepsuits up when you are putting the clean washing away. This makes it so much easier to just slip them on at the legs and only have a few poppers to do up the body – AnkleBiters Adventures.

Backpack Changing Bag

Use a backpack changing bag, it’s so much easier when jugging shopping and a car seat or even other children. You can pop it over either over your shoulder or on your back

Downstairs Nappy Change

Have a changing mat and box containing nappies, wipes etc downstairs so you don’t need to keep going upstairs every time they need a nappy change – Mama Mighalls


Introduce some self-care into your routine early. You need some time for yourself. A hot bath, some time to relax whilst family or Dad are having time with the baby. You can’t pour from an empty cup, you need to take care of yourself properly to be able to take care of others. – Happy Mama Project

Invest in a travel mug

Buy yourself a travel mug and keep it with you. Your tea/coffee will stay hot for longer and always make the hot drink before you sit down on the sofa. Baby will fall asleep and you will be too scared to move to make yourself one. The lid on the travel mug takes the fear of dripping the hot liquid on the sleeping baby away too. – The Family Ticket

Hair tie trick

If breastfeeding put a hair tie around your wrist to remind you which side you fed on last. I could never remember! – Life, Love and Dirty Dishes

Poo Explosions

If you get a massive poonami, take their vest off from the shoulders down to save getting poo in their hair! – Midwife and Life

Invest in a white noise machine

Maybe the greatest hack of all? More sleep (for you and baby). We’ve tried a few types of white noise machines and by far our favourite is the MyHummy. It got Theodore off to sleep within minutes. I honestly think that’s what has helped him become such a good sleeper. He doesn’t use it anymore as he slowly started not needing it. But it’s safely packed away for baby number 2!

Do you have some newborn hacks? Please share them in the comments below so we can all stock up on the much-needed knowledge. Us parents have to stick together whilst we’re up against these small squidgy humans who are so worth every sleepless night and every sick up. The most important hack of them all? Enjoy it.

Caitylis, End of Post


  1. May 2, 2019 / 8:16 pm

    Oh I agree with these all! Great little advices make life easier. I used to do the pyjama trick too 🙂

  2. May 2, 2019 / 8:52 pm

    Self care is the big one for me! We are so caught up in looking after our babies that we tend to neglect ourselves! Great list here!

  3. May 2, 2019 / 9:46 pm

    The removal of vests downwards was a complete revelation and I only found out with my third! We didn’t have a white noise machine but always made sure that there was some background noise

  4. May 4, 2019 / 7:26 am

    Great tips here – I was late to the white noise thing, but oh my – it really does work!!

  5. February 24, 2020 / 5:14 pm

    The early days of being a mum can be crazy. These tips will definitely help. I love the hairband one.

  6. February 24, 2020 / 7:48 pm

    White noise was everything with my third little one! He really needed it to sleep and nap! I like the hairband one for feeding, as I used to forget which side too!

  7. February 25, 2020 / 11:55 am

    I used the hair tye trick to remember what side I fed them last, its amazing how your forget such a simple thing

  8. February 26, 2020 / 9:37 pm

    I love the ziplock idea! I wish I’d thought of that when my three were little!

  9. January 29, 2021 / 6:54 pm

    These were heavy tips! I especially liked the hair tie trick!!

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