Three Reasons Solar Panels are Suitable for UK Homes

Solar Panels

Are you thinking about adding solar panels to your home? As the population becomes increasingly concerned about the impact of our day-to-day lives on the environment, many people are looking for more sustainable solutions to power their homes without breaking the bank. This can be tricky in times when the cost of living is a primary concern for many UK residents, with the cost of monthly bills, food and transport continually increasing. Fortunately, solar panels have the potential to offer a solution to both problems.

While you may not think that solar panels are effective in the UK, the reality is that over 65% of homes are compatible with solar energy production. This is because the sunlight doesn’t always need to be direct – diffused light in the atmosphere can still be effective, even on cloudy or overcast days. In this article, we explore some of the reasons that make solar panels a great investment for UK homes.

Variety of government incentives

The upfront cost of solar panel installation is a barrier for many homeowners, and as such, the government has introduced a variety of incentives to encourage more installations. One of the key incentives is the Smart Export Guarantee, which is a scheme that allows homeowners to sell any additional solar energy back to the national grid.

Additionally, VAT reductions have been introduced. From April 2022, homeowners can now benefit from 0% VAT on all raw materials and installation costs of energy-efficient measures, including solar panels. Down from the usual 20%, this reduction presents significant savings. This is planned to stay in place until 2027 when it will then increase to a reduced rate of 5%,
making now a great time to start your self-sustaining journey.

These government incentives not only make solar panels a more financially viable option for a larger percentage of the population but also contribute to the overall reduction of carbon emissions in the atmosphere.

Direct sunlight isn’t needed

Contrary to popular belief, direct sunlight is not a requirement for solar panels to generate electricity. Even on cloudy or rainy days, of which the UK has plenty, solar panels can still produce electricity by capturing the diffused sunlight in the atmosphere. In fact, rain could even help to increase the absorption of sunlight, as it washes away any dirt or debris from the surfaces of your solar panels.

The UK also has a steady 8+ hours of sunlight per day, offering a large window for solar panels to work their magic, even if the sunlight isn’t quite as bright as would be ideal. This stays fairly consistent throughout the year, with little fluctuation in sunlight and temperatures from summer to winter compared to other climates. This can help to compensate for the UK’s lack of bright sunlight, instead offering consistent conditions year-round.

Reduction in bills

As the cost of living continues to rise, it’s no surprise that UK residents are looking for ways to cut down on their monthly bills. While solar panels may be a pricey upfront investment, they will soon pay for themselves in the long run. Plus, there are many different ways to rent or finance them without the need to part with a large amount of cash upfront, making them more accessible to the general public.

They can significantly reduce energy bills. In fact, it’s thought that homeowners could save as much as £514 every year by having solar panels installed. Combined with the Smart Export Guarantee that allows energy to be sold back to our national grid, these incentives can make the investment of solar panels worthwhile. Particularly if you opt to rent or purchase on a finance plan, solar panels can soon help towards their own monthly payments.

They are practical and attractive solution for homeowners who are looking to save money while reducing their carbon footprint. With the many incentives and cost-saving opportunities available, more and more UK homeowners are beginning to realise the long-term advantages of investing in solar energy for their homes. So, why not explore the available options yourself and join the renewable energy revolution?

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