Most people invest in a car when they have passed their test. Eager to get out onto the open road and really take advantage of their new found freedom. Normally that first car will be something to help you build up a good reputation of driving for insurance, or something that was a little older, just in case you bang it on something. At some stage you swap that car in for something newer or maybe you are now in a position to upgrade to something a little more luxurious. There are other circumstances in which you might need to change your beloved car. Perhaps needing more boot space or seats as you have added to your family? Maybe you need something more economical or appropriate for work purposes. The reasons behind the change can be endless. With that in mind, here are some of the practical ways to overcome the car buying process, while taking as much care with it as possible.
Advertising in different ways
One thing to think about when it comes to selling your old car would be advertising your vehicle in a different way. Many people consider part exchange with a new car but that isn’t your only option. Social media is now a great way to reach out to people, and so advertising your vehicle on your own status and feed could then be shared with your friends and family, and their friends and family. It a nice cheap way of getting the word out that you have a great vehicle to sell. However, there are other ways to think about advertising so don’t just stick with one route. A sign in the window of your car, and advert in the local paper or in the shop window, also advertising websites online could highlight the best buyers for your vehicle, and therefore maximise your profits.
What is the ideal next car purchase?
The next thing to spend time considering would be to decide what it is you want out of your next vehicle. Do you need to upgrade for more space or do you fancy something more luxurious? Whether you are on the hunt for Land Rover dealers to see what offers are in place or are considering leasing a top end executive car it is always a good idea to put in the research to ensure that you can find the right vehicle for you.
Being honest and upfront
It is so important for you to be upfront and honest with your advert descriptions for your old car and in person. That might be with a potential private buyer or with the dealership you plan on part exchanging your car with. You need to be clear on things like service history or any tests you have done in the vehicle. Any guarantees or warranties for things like parts and engines, and even the correct mileage. It is also best to be upfront about damage such as dents and scratches. Every vehicle will get them at some point, even parked up when you are not driving. So it is always a good idea to be clear and concise with your advertising descriptions. You will expect the same level of honesty in return when it comes to you buying the vehicle.
Finance considerations
The last thing you need to think about is ensuring that your vehicle is free from finance. This means that if you bought it on HP or via a loan on the first place, that it is completely paid off before advertising it. You cannot sell a vehicle that has finance outstanding on it. A buyer can and will check, so ensure that you save yourself any embarrassment ahead of time. There are also many different finance options that you can consider when it comes to the purchase of your new car. Hire purchase, leasing or loans are all top options to consider.
Let’s hope these tips help you when it comes to upgrading your current vehicle.