If You Want to be Sustainable at Home, Start With These 5 Tips

Everyone loves taking a walk in the park. The refreshing atmosphere and peace that you can get from such an environment are unmatched. If such experiences are your cup of coffee, you’re lucky enough that those who came before you took their time to preserve the environment.

The question is, will these things that you enjoy today be present in the future? Global warming is increasing at an alarming rate. You might think that it takes an entire country and the whole world to stop global warming, and this is true. But we can also make a big difference. The things we do at home can have a significant impact on the environment and your effort might mean a sustainable earth for future generations.

Here is how to prioritise sustainability at home:

Change your shopping routine

Nowadays, people are considerate about how their shopping choices affect the environment; with a reported 71.4% now concerned about the environmental impact of their food shopping. To join them, start by shopping locally. This will help reduce the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere while transporting your groceries to you.

Even better, you get to pick fresh food products as well as promote the local markets. Also, switch from using plastic bags to reusable tote bags to limit the amount of waste you throw away after shopping. While a single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to break down once thrown away, tote bags are easily biodegradable. They are also easy to carry and tougher to tear when compared to most plastic bags.

Make your mailbox paperless

Having to swim through a pile of junk mail whenever you walk into your house can be a nuisance. Even worse, it is bad for the environment as most of these papers end up in the garbage (not to mention that trees had to be cut down for you to receive them). For any mail that is essential to you, make arrangements to have the senders send emails instead.

For instance, the bank should send your financial statements through your email. Not only is this secure and easily accessible, it’s also more organised. You should also consider cancelling subscriptions from any mailing list that sends you non-essential mail.

Only use your car when necessary

Among the best ways to cut down your carbon footprint would be to stop using your car completely. However, this might be borderline impossible since you need it to get to work on time or run simple errands. The trick is to limit its use to complete essential tasks, such as taking your kids to school.

For non-essential tasks, you can use ride-sharing services or even ride a bike. This strategy comes with a lot of benefits. For instance, you can reduce your insurance costs by using your car less. It might also be a nice, healthy change to ride a bike sometimes when shopping for groceries.

Cut down your electricity costs

While your electricity consumption rates might seem insignificant, they do have an impact on environmental conservation if you consider the number of households that have the same rate. A simple mistake such as leaving a light bulb on for an entire day can mean a lot to both your energy bills and the resulting carbon footprint. Consider switching off all lights in your home before leaving.

Additionally, use energy saving lights and efficient electrical appliances to reduce the amount of electricity you need to run your home. You can also insulate your home to ensure that you don’t lose any energy when cooling it in the summer or heating it in the winter. This will also help reduce your utility bills by a large fraction.

Watch how you drink your water

How many water bottles do you buy in a single year? Once you’re done using these bottles, they often end up in the garbage, polluting the environment. Instead, opt to add water filters to your sinks to make your tap water safe enough for drinking. Also, buy fewer water bottles and use reusable cups when taking water.

Building a sustainable future starts with your lifestyle. If you were to change the wasteful parts of your daily routine and challenge other families to do the same, it becomes easy to preserve the earth. Luckily, it is as easy as making a few changes in your life.


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