Theodore is now 2 months old. Is time supposed to travel this fast?! Our newborn is now long gone, and he is now this little unique human being, with a huge personality, in the past four weeks he has come on in complete leaps and bounds, I can’t actually believe it. Everyday it’s something new with him, a new noise, a new fascination and lately a proper giggle.
I never thought it was possible to love someone this much, your own child is something else. There’s this beautiful connection that no one else could ever feel with them, and every day that connection grows larger and larger and feels completely unbreakable. Whilst you’re pregnant you wonder what your little baby is going to be like, the endless possibilities. Then, when you meet them you get this feeling of “yes, yes this is right, perfectly right” and you could never imagine them any other way.
In the last update I spoke about his colic, luckily he has quickly grown out of that splendidly, and now drifts off to sleep without a struggle in the world (like pure magic, thank you sleep gods). This means life has become a tad easier for me and Bradley, meaning more time between feeds and more time for us to do us stuff and catch up on sleep (of course). Theodore is still roughly sleeping 6ish hours through the night, which obviously is wonderful for us, meaning we’re not completely sleep deprived (hurrah).
The reflux is still very much there, the Gaviscon works but not amazingly anymore, so we’re going to try some of the Doctors other recommendations. It doesn’t effect us much, just the annoyance of going through thousands of bibs and muslins, but it obviously can’t be nice for our poor Theodore. He would probably go a little longer between feeds also if he wasn’t bringing a load back up, so if we can get that sorted it’ll benefit all three of us.
Glancing back on the last update I can’t believe how much has changed already. He smiles almost the whole day through, it makes my heart all warm and squishy. We’ve even had a handful of actual laughs, a sound like no other, pure innocents. He absolutely loves it when I sing, or even when I just chat to him about daily nonsense.
He also holds his head up now completely unaided for a couple of minutes until he gets too tired for it. He turns his head to noises and light, looks around the place and is entirely interested in the whole world around him. A nosey little bugger, just like his mum.
He is so gorgeous! Glad all is well! Tyler has struggled with reflux his whole life and it sucks! Thankfully it’s finally subsiding now! I hope little Theodore doesn’t struggle with it too much! x
Oh god, he is such a gorgeous, adorable little boy!! Xx
These images of Theodore are so cute, just look at his little smile! xx
Yasmina | The July Journal
Theres no way hes 2 months old already?! seriously such a cutie x
I can’t beleive he’s two months already!! He is such a gorgeous little human and I am loving getting to see him on all your channels
TWO MONTHS?! Where has two whole months gone since he was born?! Gorgeous pics by the way xx
First of all I LOVE his name! Perfect for a perfect little boy! Time flies when your having fun doesn’t it xx
He is the cutest ever!!!!!!! Those little feet! xx
I can’t cope with how adorable little Theodore is ! Look at his smile ! Good to know he is sleeping more through the night – and I hope the reflux issue gets better !
Saira xxx
He is just adoreable!! Heidi has suffered with reflux too its just awful for them. X
He is so beautiful! Both of my daughters struggled with reflux. Elsa had it for about a year but Cleo only had it until she was 3 months. Xx
He sounds like the happiest, most content little babe! Can’t believe he is two months old already, he is so beautiful.
2 months old!!! My little boy turns one on Tuesday and this post makes my ovaries hurt! ?? so cute!
Georgia xx
How cute are those baby feet! Wow, two months already!
OMG he is just too cute! And lucky you guys getting six hours sleep when he’s still so little. You’re completely winning at life right now <3 xx
Awwwww so cute Caitlyn. You’ve slid into motherhood so well and what a handsome baba! It takes me back even though it was almost a decade ago! I need to read up on more of your content because I love what I see so far xxxx
HOW has it been two months already?! It’s flying by! He’s such a cutie. I know first hand how tough the reflux can be, unfortunatley we never found anything that worked for us apart from switching her milk as she was on formula but it still came up. It’s so horrible to see them like that isn’t it? I hope it stops soon enough for him 🙁
Such a gorgeous happy fella! ? Look forward to reading more on your blog xxx
I can’t believe he is two months old already – it’s gone so quickly! I’m so glad his colic has settled down! Hopefully you can find something to help with his reflux. He’s such a gorgeous boy! My second favourite Theodore 😉
Rachael xx
Nooooo, it hasn’t been two months already?! How has the time gone so quick? I am NOT ok. So jealous that he’s sleeping six hours at nighttime. I know C definitely wasn’t doing that at two months – or he was BUT we were co-sleeping at that point. So glad he’s outgrown the colic. I can’t imagine having a colicky baby. That would have been exhausting! I don’t know if you’re formula feeding or breastfeeding. I can’t speak to breastfeeding because I stopped after six weeks, but I’ve heard that goats formula can help with colic. Regardless, I hope it sorts itself out soon. Less washing for you, woohoo!
xo, Victoria
It is so beautiful and I can’t believe it’s two months already. It’s gone far too quickly as a reader can only imagine what you feel like.