Sightings from August 2017


I must say this at the beginning of every Sightings post, but I can’t believe we’re a week into September already. 2017 itself is disappearing out of our hands, honestly how has nine months been and gone SO quickly?! I remember writing my New Years Resolutions post for this year like it was yesterday. Looking back at that post, and reading the resolutions I gave myself I’ve only managed to do ¼ of them… I mean I might have not completed them but I’ve definitely almost completed something else entirely – a human being (woop woop for me)! Come to think of it, 2017 has mostly been all about my health and body. Since November last year (waaaay before I was pregnant) up until still now I’ve been having some pain-related issues, which the doctors are still brushing off as ‘nothing‘, and now since I’m pregnant they won’t do any official ‘checks’ until baby is here. So it’s been a year of pain AND body-expanding-pregnancy-stuffs!

This September is a strange one for me, usually, I would be going back to college/uni/school, like I have every September since 1999… But I’ve finished my Photography course now, I graduate in a couple of weeks actually (scary stuff), and I’m not actually sure how I’m going to fit this giant-ass bump in one of those gowns. Most of my classmates from the previous year are still learning and doing the extra year which was possible with our course. I decided not to do it myself, not just because of being pregnant, but I wasn’t personally enjoying the course so much anymore, and I kind of fell out of love with it all and began falling behind badly with the work. It’s strange because those classmates have now begun their new academic year, it feels slightly odd that they are all still there and I’m not, but I certainly feel like it was the right decision, I just wasn’t happy there anymore.

I’m quite thankful that summer is drawing to an end, I absolutely love the autumn months, the colours are beautiful and it means the winter-type clothing is out and we can all get cozy. Although I am slightly concerned about my mental health as I usually suffer from SAD’s (Seasonal Affective Disorder), especially as the nights draw in and the world becomes a little darker. But I feel stronger than ever this year, I’ve really progressed with my mental health and am noticeably stronger and better than any previous years, sometimes I forget how far I’ve come with my mental health, I need to give myself a big hug because I know how good I’ve been. Especially since I’m now becoming a mother, and I have this tiny-helpless being to look after and love, I know I cannot let anything get in the way of that. I love him so much already and will fight any depressive-demons that enter my head and try get in the way.

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  1. September 6, 2017 / 1:34 pm

    Wow so many gorgeous snapshots here! I love how easy it is to create a pretty picture just from using your phone camera xx

    Lauren |

  2. September 7, 2017 / 2:32 pm

    Congratulations on graduating and on your pregnancy! It sounds like a really exciting time in your life! I'm in school this fall, again, and even still, I don't feel as interested as I was in previous years. I've been in school too long! I think it's good to recognize when you're done, and that you've accepted it 🙂

    • September 7, 2017 / 2:32 pm

      Also, I forgot to say that I really like your photography style!

    • September 8, 2017 / 7:16 am

      Thank you very much Cole! We're super excited, 2018 is going to be awesome! Good luck with school!
      Much love, Caitylis x x

  3. September 7, 2017 / 5:24 pm

    Amazing pictures! Oh, looks and sounds like you had a fab August! 🙂

  4. September 8, 2017 / 7:16 am

    Yes we are! Thank you very much!
    Much love, Caitylis x x

  5. September 8, 2017 / 3:57 pm

    Amazing collection! I love all the floral photos! Congratulations on graduating and on your pregnancy as well!

  6. September 8, 2017 / 10:45 pm

    Wow, your photos are really impressive. I love flowers and nature and being outside and your dog … lol. Seriously now, that snap shot where just your dog's back bits are visible is great.It's really about catching the right moment. I love snap shots so much better than 'posing for the camera'. Congratulations on your pregnancy, how wonderful!

  7. Alexandra Geletová
    September 10, 2017 / 8:38 am

    Congratulations and oh my gooood I can't believe that this pics are from iPhone. I love the atmosphere and vibes 🙂

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