How on earth is it August 1st already?! Summer is flashing by, the kids at school only have one month of holiday left and then it’ll be September. September hits and all the shops will start preparing their Christmas displays, totally forgetting about Halloween. Since our due date is December 25th we’ve got two things to look forward to this year. 2017 itself is scarily leaving us, already in the eighth month out of 12. I’ve come to the realization that I have spent the first three months of 2017 being ill, and the last 9 being pregnant… brilliant! A whole twelve months of my body doing things it’s not used too! July itself has been a steady whirlwind, both my mind and body have been compensating for this supposedly “glowing” pregnancy thing (I do not feel glowy in the slightest, it’s all a bunch of BS). August holds on to exciting things, including seeing our Baby Zea again, our baby shower and both my sister and mums birthdays. I look forward to the next four weeks massively but honestly cannot wait for the color autumn to arrive in September/October.
Now we’re a month closer to holding our Baby. We cannot wait
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This is the cutest post I've seen today. I absolutely love your pictures – you took them on an iPhone?! They look so professional, I'm in love!
Best wishes for you and your baby! Can't wait to see more beautiful pics!
Meg x |
Yeah on my iPhone! I do have the 7Plus so extra good quality, but thank you so much! ?
caitylis x x x
I love your pictures and the life updates 🙂 I also can't believe the summer is coming to an end…
All these pictures are sooo gorgeous 🙂 It´s just a proof, that you don´t need an expensive camera to take a great shots 🙂
Oooh what a gorgeous shots from July! I really like your perspective, I believe that pictures share the best way how people see the world & your point of the view is something I really adore 🙂
Thank you Jasmin, I absolutely love taking photos on my iPhone! Hope you're recovering well!
Much love, Caitylis x x
I loved all of these pics! 🙂 Lovely! <3
These photos are beautiful! You have a talent for photography!
Gorgeous photos! I love nature and these places are so beautiful!
I can't believe these photos were taken with your Iphone! They're absolutely beautiful!
I have sworn off iPhones for life but it's the photography you're able to take on them that makes me wonder if I am right to do so. Stunning photos hun!
Katja xxx