Homemade Gifts for Your Valentines

Valentine’s day is one of those holidays which is usually forgotten about until the very last minute. Even though the shops start dazzling themselves with hearts and kisses the moment Christmas is over we still can’t bring ourselves around to believe that it is almost the middle of February *gulp*. If this is you, only just realising that Valentine’s day is approaching… just because you happened to read this post, then please for the stability of your relationship get your creative brain switched on and get the love juices flowing… (is that gross?)

If you are not one for Valentine’s day and find it to be a big corporate scam to squeeze even more money out of us (you’re probably right) then you can click away now.

52 Reason’s Why I Love You

I made this pack of ‘love-you’ cards above for Bradley back in 2013 (our first valentines day as a couple). There are lots of tutorials online for these but it’s super simple, you will need a pack of playing cards, (red ones are cute) a permanent marker, a hole-punch, a piece of ribbon and 52 things you love about your other half… Which is much harder to do than one might think. If you are making one of these sets ask below and I’ll help give you some ideas to get you started!

“Open when we …” Letters

These above are what I’ve made this year. They are only to be opened and read when the certain step is reached within our relationship. I’ve seen people do these but to open when you’re “happy” or “sad” etc. I think these are such a great keepsake for your relationship, to look back on once you and your partner grow older together. Write these personally for your partner to enjoy in the years to come, I can see myself and Bradley laughing at what I’ve written.


These are what Bradley made me back in 2013… (aww) You can easily print templates like these off from anywhere on the internet, especially if you take a browse on Pinterest. Fill them with date ideas or just nice gestures which your partner will appreciate. Even if you don’t get round to using them (i haven’t) they’re just such a lovely way to show a number of things you’d do to make your sweetheart happy.

Scrap Book

If you’re someone like me that holds sentimental value to a leaf (it’s true) then you most likely have a lot of crap laying around all in which links to a ‘stage’ or ‘moment’ in your relationship. Do what I did for our first anniversary which was filling a book with all the special things we’d done, been and said. You can fill the pages with photographs, tickets, kit-kat foil hearts, letters, leaf shaped hearts, cut off cat hair, dead flowers, receipts and food wrappers (all in which I used).

What are you plans for Valentine’s day this year? As the years go on me and Bradley kind of just shrug our shoulders at it, but I do appreciate some roses *hint* *hint*. 

But home-made gifts like these are always so special and are most certainly worth the time to create. 

Comment below if you have any creative ideas you’ve got for valentines… Because I’m running out of gifts to make!

1 Comment

  1. February 10, 2018 / 9:35 am

    Love these! I’ve made the “52 reasons why I love you” cards before and they were so cute. X

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